1·This was the beginning of aerial combat.
2·This tension is a fierce aerial combat game.
3·High quality of the aircraft in aerial combat games.
4·In aerial combat, then, low tech may be the new high tech.
5·Whether it was light cycle racing or aerial combat it looked silky-smooth. And looked like a videogame.
6·"During its scenes of aerial combat, Red Tails offers swooping excitement from a pilot's eye view. "—— USA Today.
7·In the design of neural network, optimizing algorithm of DFP is used and reference value for real time application in aerial combat is provided.
8·It's an all-weather, extremely maneuverable, tactical fighter designed to permit the air Force to gain and maintain air superiority in aerial combat.
F - 15是一种全天候高机动性战术战斗机,用于空中优势作战任务。
9·Within a few days, Arthur would fight his first aerial combat where he Shared in the destruction of a Japanese bomber with several other pilots of his squadron.
10·Then returning to China to command the CACW's 7th Fighter Squadron and eventually its 3rd Fighter Group, he would destroy an additional 6 Japanese aircraft in aerial combat.